Is It Time to Update Your Business WiFi?

4 signs that your small business needs a WiFi upgrade Like a 10-year-old car, your metabolism or that yogurt in the back of the fridge, things generally do not improve with age. They become unreliable, they slow down and they can really ruin your day. (Note: when in doubt, throw...

It’s Time to Have a Discussion About Business Chat Tools

More small businesses are turning to chat software to improve communications. How’s the communication at your office? No, we’re not talking about water cooler exchanges or happy hour banter. We’re talking about internal communications—the dropped phone calls, unanswered texts and lost emails that could be robbing your team of hours...

5G is Finally Coming: Here’s What You Need to Know.

If the tech and communications gurus have it right, 5G will be an industrial and cultural game-changer. It will mean smart cities, factories and vehicles. It will mean more immersive virtual and augmented reality. It will mean better healthcare and law enforcement. It will mean your business will be left...

Mobility is the key to digital transformation

“Upward mobility” is taking on a new meaning these days. What has been a term to describe one’s rising social power can now be applied to an organization’s plan toward digital transformation. Embracing today’s mobile lifestyle is a must, and we’re not just talking about making your website responsive...which we’re...

Everything You Need to Know About Cloud Storage

Are you overfeeding your mainframe or server? It’s happening to businesses more and more. As it generally goes with physical structures, there’s only a finite amount of content these guys can store. And as the IT landscape continues to change and the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence continue to...

4 Ways Your Small Business Can Go Green

Your workday is busy enough as it is, so we understand your initial resistance to saving the world as well. It’s a big responsibility and not something that was in your job description. We get it. But here’s the good news: creating a more eco-friendly office is a lot simpler...

Put Content Marketing to Work for Your Small Business

So you’ve created this really brilliant ad for your small business and just dropped a large percentage of your media budget on it. Unfortunately, like so many other underappreciated artists out there, your genius went undiscovered. It’s no big surprise. A DemandMetric survey revealed that 70% of today’s consumers prefer...

Download Your Work-Life Balance

Our smart devices keep us busy with work, but they can also help achieve a better work-life balance. There are a many downloadable apps available to whisk you away from work and take you to a healthier state, mentally, physically and emotionally. Here are five apps to start you on...

Is the Gig Economy Right for Your Business?

The gig economy is an emerging workforce of professionals who choose to work as free agents...and it’s growing significantly thanks to evolving communications technology. But just because it’s easier than ever to tap into this market doesn’t necessarily mean it’s right for your business. Here are some of its advantages...

How Small Business Owners Can Gain More By Spending Less

Many business owners have been groomed on the old “you have to spend money to make money” adage, but there’s a difference between investing wisely in your business and throwing cash at products and services you may not need. With that in mind, here are some cost-saving ideas that will...